铁娘子Iron Lady——What we think, we become!




"Where there is discord may we bring harmony. Where there is error may we bring truth. Where there is doubt may we bring faith. And where there is dispair may we bring hope." —— St. Francis  
   People don't think anymore. They feel. How are you feeling? Oh, I don't feel comfortable. Oh, I'm so sorry but we, the group were feeling...? Do you know one of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than they do about thoughts and ideas. Now thoughts and ideas.That interests me.  
   Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for they become your destiny. What we think, we become.  

  积思成言,积言成行,积行成习,积习成性,积性成命。思想决定人生的高度。而我想我的身体没问题,但我很感谢你的关心。 ----玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔。

-- Magaret, would you marry me? -- Yes, yes! I love you so much but I will never be one of those women, Denis, who stay silence and pretty on the arm of her husband,or remote and alone in the kitchen, doing the washing up for that matter. -- We'll get a help for that. -- No. One's life must matter, Denis. Beyond the cooking and the cleaning and the children, one's life must mean more than that! I cannot die washing up a tea cup. I mean it, Denis. Say you understand. -- That's why I want to marry you, my dear. 



 --I don't expect to win the leadership,but I am going to run just to shake up the party. --Respectfully, Margaret. But I disagree. If you want to change this party, lead it. If you want to change the country, lead it. What we're talking about here today is surface. What's crucial is that you hold your course, and stay true to who you are. Never be anything other than yourself. You've got it in you to go the whole distance.  
   Together we can shake off the shackles of socialism and restore to greatness this country that we love. I should just like to say that I take very seriously the trust placed in me by the British people today and I will work very hard to live up to that responsibility.  

 "Where there is discord may we bring harmony. Where there is error may we bring truth. Where there is doubt may we bring faith. And where there is dispair may we bring hope." —— St. Francis  

We congratulate the men and women of our armed Forces for their skill, bravery and loyalty to this country. We were faced with an act of unprovoked aggression, and we responded as we have responded in times past: with unity, strength and courage, sure in the knowledge that though much is sacrificed. In the end, right will prevail over wrong. 
   This is a day to put difference aside, to hold one's head high and take pride in being British.

The woman who change the face of history.  
   Gentlemen, if we don't cut spending we will be bankrupt. Yes the medicine is harsh, but the patient requires it in order to live. Shall we withhold the medicine? No!  
   -- You can't just close down a conversation because it's not what you wish to hear. -- I don't expect everyone just to sit there and agree with me. But what kind of leader am I if I don't try to get my own way to do what I know to be right. -- Yes, but Margaret. One must be careful not to test one's collegues's loyalty too far.  
   -- 不能因为你不爱听就终止一场谈话。-- 我并不期望所有人都同意我的意见,但如果我不将自己认为对的事情付诸实践,又算什么领导。-- 没错,但是,玛格丽特,要小心,不要一再考验同僚的忠诚度。  
   There are those who would say hold back, there are those who would make us retreat, but we shall never give in to them.We shall never waver, not for a second, in our determination to see this country prosper once again.  

Just like Hawii. 1941, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbour, did America go cap in hand and ask Toko for a peaceful negotiation of terms? Did she turn her back on her own citizens there because the islands were thousands of miles from mainland United States? No!No!No! We will stand on principle or we shall not stand at all. 
   With all due respect sir, I have done battle every single day of my life, and many men have underestimated me before. 


 -- Politics used to be about trying to do something,now it's about trying to be someone.  

In order to live in this country, you must pay for the privilege - something, anything! If you pay nothing, you care nothing. What do you care where you throw your rubbish? Your council estate is a mess,your town,graffiti,what do you care?It's not your problem,it's not somebody else's problem--it's the governance's problem..your problem--some of you,is that you haven't courage for this fight.You haven't had to fight hard for anything.It's all been given to you-and you feel guilty about it!Well,may I say, on behalf of all those who have had to fight their way up,and who don't feel guilty about it..we resent those slackers who take,take,take..and contribute nothing to the community! 
   Don't they know if you tale the tough decisions,..Yes,people will hate you today,but they'll thank you for generations。-- Or forget you entirely and chuck you out with the rubbish! 
   It's the government's problem, that you haven't got the courage to fight. You haven't had to fight hard for anything. 
   All I wanted was to make a difference in the world.




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